TurbineHQ has neglected its blog for too long!
This HR app has a lot of promise, but evidence has come to light that its marketing is being neglected, and that’s got to be affecting sales. Let’s look at the facts…
Shocking statistics
ms Largest Contentful Paint*
years since the blog was updated
thousand keywords that competitors like Charlie HR and HiBob rank for that TurbineHQ does not*
*Data taken from Google Page Speed Insights and Ahrefs

Could TurbineHQ's website be updated to be more performant and accessible for users?
Experts at Articulate Marketing interviewed for comments
“While TurbineHQ is doing great things to develop its brand and engage with its target audience in the HR business app sector, there's a rich vein of gold that needs tapping here.
The support of an award-winning marketing agency would go a long way to help TurbineHQ and key stakeholders such as Matthew Stibbe, Madeleine Leslie and Edward Slimane to engage and retain paying customers, elevate their brand and grow the business.
Hey, it's not all doom and gloom. The good news is, we are available for hire. Who needs a lawyer when you've got a brilliant marketing strategist on your side?”