
Why your contact page doesn’t generate any actual contacts

A contact page needs to be more than a functional, half-hearted 'get in touch'. After all, if anyone clicks through to that page, you'd expect them to want to have a chat. Otherwise, why would they be there? Yet time and time again we see poor conversion rates on contact forms. In this webinar, we offer some ideas to improve your contact page.

This webinar took place in July 2021. The good news is we live in the future and we've recorded it. Fill in the form to get the video and slides.


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Articulate marketing services page
What puts people off?

Why the bounce rates for contact pages are so high

Tell us if this story resonates: you see a decent amount of traffic to your contact page, but not a single form fill (that isn't someone trying to sell you something). What's standing in the way?

thought leadership webinar - man searching for a good blog to read
How to generate leads

Where the contact page fits into lead generation

Typically, contact pages are what we call 'bottom of the funnel' and are only useful for 'hand raisers' - that is, people who contact your company under their own steam. But can you build a contact page that meets the needs of people who are earlier in the buyer's journey?

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